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총 게시물 3,265건, 최근 0 건
The End of Alzheimer's
글쓴이 : 써니 날짜 : 2018-01-16 (화) 11:35 조회 : 463

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The End of Alzheimer's: 

The First Program to 

Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline

The instant New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller

A groundbreaking plan to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s Disease that fundamentally changes how we understand cognitive decline.

Everyone knows someone who has survived cancer, but until now no one knows anyone who has survived Alzheimer's Disease.  
In this paradigm shifting book, Dale Bredesen, MD, offers real hope to anyone looking to prevent and even reverse Alzheimer's Disease and cognitive decline.  Revealing that AD is not one condition, as it is currently treated, but three, The End of Alzheimer’s outlines 36 metabolic factors (micronutrients, hormone levels, sleep) that can trigger "downsizing" in the brain. The protocol shows us how to rebalance these factors using lifestyle modifications like taking B12, eliminating gluten, or improving oral hygiene. 
The results are impressive. Of the first ten patients on the protocol, nine displayed significant improvement with 3-6 months; since then the protocol has yielded similar results with hundreds more. Now, The End of Alzheimer’s brings new hope to a broad audience of patients, caregivers, physicians, and treatment centers with a fascinating look inside the science and a complete step-by-step plan that fundamentally changes how we treat and even think about AD.


Dale Bredesen, M.D., is internationally recognized as an expert in the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. He graduated from Caltech, then earned his M.D. from Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. He served as chief resident in neurology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) before joining Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner’s laboratory at UCSF as an NIH postdoctoral fellow. He held faculty positions at UCSF, UCLA, and the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Bredesen directed the Program on Aging at the Burnham Institute before coming to the Buck Institute in 1998 as its founding president and CEO. He is the chief medical officer of MPI Cognition.

써니 2018-01-16 (화) 11:48

This is a brave book, based on decades of careful work and clinical success with clients. The author is going against the medical establishment that relies almost completely on prescription medicine. The author proposes a prudent evaluation, followed by corrections to diet, lifestyle, and addition of supplements.

Bredesen has shown that the approach works. Nothing else has ever worked. Hence this is one of the most important books you may ever read!

써니 2018-01-16 (화) 11:49

I read a lot of nonfiction books per year. And, many of them are very informative and interesting. But, this one is among the ones on top of my list in terms of its impact at the individual and societal levels.

This book is bound to be a boon for genetic testing (23andMe, etc.).

Before Bredesen’s protocol to treatAlzheimer’s disease (AD) no one had much interest in taking a genetic test that would divulge that one is at a very high risk of a disease that is truly irreversible. Such a finding would be devastating for the individual and his close family.

Now, in our new post-Bredesen era the above proposition is obsolete. And, genetic tests are now immensely valuable. That is because they inform one of their respective and potential high risk for a disease that is fully reversible if addressed reasonably early. Given that, one is far better knowing what could happen down the road and taking all the measures to prevent the onset or development of AD.

I read this book right after reading “The Plant Paradox” by Steven Gundry, another formidable book. I am glad I read these two books consecutively. This is because the nutrition guidelines imparted by both doctors are for the most part consistent with each other. That is even though Gundry is really focused on overall health. Meanwhile, Bredesen is exclusively focused on the prevention and reversal of AD. However, it is clear that whatever is good for your brain and for preventing AD is very much good for everything else.

Bredesen’s understanding of AD is second to none. His taxonomy of the three different types of AD is really original and interesting. The three AD types include: 
Type 1 triggered by inflammation due to excess simple carbohydrate intake (sugars). It is associated with insulin resistance, diabetes. It typically hits people in their 60s; 
Type 2 is due to inadequate neurotropic support of the brain. It is associated with a deficiency in hormones (including Thyroid and gender-related hormones). It typically hits one in their 70s; and 
Type 3 is toxin related AD. It often hits people earlier in their 50s. It is triggered by poisonous substances like Mercury, arsenic, or germs like Lyme disease, mold, or toxic bacteria.

Fairly early in the book, Bredesen explains in detail what AD is. At its essence. AD occurs when an enzyme, Protease, cuts a protein, Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP), into four fragments instead of just two. When cut into four fragments, the modified APP will cause Amyloid formation within the brain. And, will eventually cause synaptic loss and synaptic cell death resulting in AD. When instead, Protease cuts APP into just two fragments, it will support synaptic formation and prevent AD.

Bredesen’s protocol (ReCODE) can reverse all three types of AD. And, it relies mainly on nutrition, lifestyle changes, and supplements. He has developed and tested his protocol on hundreds of patients. Most of the success stories make for really impressive narrative.

The last chapter in the book is really interesting. Here Bredesen reveals the resistance he has encountered from the medical establishment that still wants to believe that AD is entirely not reversible. And, that nutrition can’t possibly cure this disease. The chapter starts with a famous quote from Max Planck (one of the fathers of quantum mechanics) that says it all: “Science advances one funeral at a time.”

써니 2018-01-16 (화) 11:49
Bredesen has done a nice job with this book, bringing together a larger and more comprehensive range of things to do to improve cognitive function than any other authors I have read on this subject. 

However I fear that for many, his approach will be LESS beneficial than some of the simpler plans because he suggests SO MUCH without properly emphasizing THE ONE THING that is common to virtually all the clinical evidence of reversal -- so those reading his book, might be overwhelmed with just how much he suggests and decide to do some but not all -- and inadvertently omit doing what does appear to be the most critical part for most success: 

On page 180 he says: "This is a largely plant-based diet with an emphasis on vegetables, especially non-starchy ones...some fish, poultry and meat are fine, but remember that meat is a condiment." But he doesn't emphasize this enough in the book -- although when I read his published paper some months ago, it was clear that his patients that were improving WERE getting well coached to cut way back on their eating of animal foods. But his book doesn't do such a good job of explaining how important this aspect is. 

In fact judging by the endorsements on his book -- which includes many folks well known for their outspoken negative criticisms of plant-based diets, lots of educated intelligent people are failing to see that the "plant-based" part of his program is critical. The science does pretty strongly suggest -- that consuming any more than tiny amounts of animal protein, clearly does INCREASE risk of diabetes, heart disease, inflammation, and blood pressure -- all of which are drivers of dementia. 

Because his program includes many other things that are well supported in the published literature (like fasting from dinner to breakfast, exercise, and B-12 supplementation) as long as people in fact do keep their animal consumption very low (or better yet eliminate it!) , they are likely to see some benefit from this program, however I think many are likely to focus upon the less important parts of his program, and overlook this most critical part --- that is why I prefer, "The Alzheimer's Solution". That book is much simpler to follow and implement and does it make it very clear that a plant-based diet and exercise is THE foundation of reversing cognitive decline. I'd suggest reading that book (Alzheimer's Solution) FIRST -- then if you are able and wanting to put icing on the cake, and maybe get a bit more benefit, you can add the other components that Bredesen suggests. But we now have so much science linking meat/dairy/eggs with diabetes, high blood pressure, CVD, inflammation and more...that to fail to address the harms from these items, will probably keep people from seeing results.
써니 2018-01-16 (화) 11:50
The author, UCLA medical research faculty and founding CEO of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, claims in this clearly-written summary of decades of research that Alzheimer's Disease may in fact be beatable in some cases. Bredensen's research suggests that AD is not a brain failure, but rather a hyper-over-reaction to toxins, lack of nutrients, and inflammation. Thus, he has developed an approach to treatment which involves up to 36 facets of one's overall health, an approach that is not treatment by a single drug but rather a personalized *set* of treatments in the areas of diet and nutrition, physical activity, stress reduction and sleep hygene. The resulting protocols are holistic, and multi-modal, comparable to Ayurvedic or traditional Chinese medicine (even involving meditation). And the radical news is that he claims hundreds of success stories preventing, or even reversing, cognitive decline. 
I for one sincerely and deeply hope he is right!

총 게시물 3,265건, 최근 0 건
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